Monday, August 18, 2008

Day 27

Somehow, when I posted my Day 28 message, my blog managed to eat my Day 27 post, and it's nowhere to be found. It's now 4am and I have no desire to rewrite it.

Suffice it to say that we left Tucumcari at 9am New Mexico time, got home at 8pm Dallas time, and actually had a good day in the car. We stopped and grilled hot dogs for lunch, had an adventure trying to pick up Jeff's car from the shop (it was stuck between two cars, we ended up leaving it there), and ordered Chili's on the way home so we wouldn't have to cook. Jeff has to go back to work on Wednesday morning, and I am more than a bit worried about how I'm going to get the van cleaned out and the house cleaned up!

Total miles today: 464.


Micheal said...

Aren't you glad you took the time to clean the house before you left!!! I know what a mess we bring home after a trip so doubling the number of people must really compound that. haha
Micheal Chris

BreeAnne said...

Oh my heck, yes. We are trying to put everything away as we bring it in, instead of bringing the bags and dumping them all on the floor, but it's still quite an undertaking!

Anonymous said...

Just wanted to thank you for keeping this chronicle and let you know I have bookmarked it in my "Summer 2009 Vacation Idea" folder!!!