Sunday, August 3, 2008

Day 12

Headed home (to my sister's) right now. Another not-too-taxing day, and you won't hear me complain.

Jeff and I got up at about 6:30, woke the kids up at 7-7:30, and got everyone ready in white shirts & ties or dresses. Off to church from 9-12. That may seem long to some people, but we're used to it! Aspen was a little hesitant when I left her in her Sunday School class, but she warmed up to her teacher and--get this--she even talked to her teacher and her classmates. Aspen is incredibly shy, to the point that she fits the criteria for selective mutism, so I was quite happy and surprised to hear that. Levi had a blast playing in the nursery, and the older kids enjoyed making new friends.

After church, we stopped back by my sister's house to change out of church clothes, and then headed off to Bothell, which is about 90 minutes to the north. My sister-in-law Sarah's parents live there, and her family all met to celebrate her birthday this afternoon. It was more of the same crazy (the good crazy, meaning a ton of relatives stuffed into a house): Zach & Sarah with Aly & Josh, Sarah's sister Janelle with her husband and 3yo Ella and 1yo Henry, Sarah's brother Grant, her parents and grandmother, Jeff & I plus our 6, my mom, my sister Stephani and her son Alex, Jami and Isaiah, and another teenage boy (family friend? cousin?).

Dinner was delicious, homemade deep-fried scones stuffed with taco fillings and then more scones with cream cheese and homemade raspberry jam, followed by a juicy strawberry pie and Key lime cheesecake for the birthday girl. I can't quite find the right words to express it, but it was so comforting to just sit around for a couple of hours and talk to my sisters & brother and let the kids have fun with their cousins. I know we do that every month with Jeff's family back in Dallas, but somehow this is different, better(for me at least), because this is MY mom and MY siblings and their kids. I'm very grateful to live close to Jeff's family, because I do want my kids to grow up with their cousins and be able to spend time with their grandparents & extended family. Things like this, though, still make me homesick and sad that I live so far away from my family. I'm happy that my children are getting to know their other cousins and at the same time heartbroken, knowing that in two or three days we'll leave and not see them again for another four or five years.

Tomorrow we're getting up early to drive to Bremerton, 70min away, and take a 60-minute ferry ride into downtown Seattle. I love riding the ferries, and I love the Seattle waterfront, and I think I am more excited than the kids! I don't know if Jeff really enjoys this too or if he's just tolerating it because of me. :) Just kidding, Jeff would be more than happy to voice his opinion if he didn't want to do something.

Anyway, we're almost back to my sister's house, and hallelujah: we have a car full of sleeping children. When they crash out in the car, we can pick them up & put them in bed and they stay asleep, so the long drive tonight has saved us a bit of work. Total miles today: 150.


Laura said...

Hey! I'm glad you put your blog link on your facebook. My family has got the blog bug, and I'm trying, but I think my life is too boring to blog about. Sounds like your having a great trip, I'm in Puyallup now, and I'm sure we won't see you this time around, but it's nice to know you're in the same state! Hope you continue to have a good trip!

Micheal said...

Bri - What a trip! And your only half way through?? Sounds like you are having a great time and are definetly your mother's daughter. If you get this before you leave WA give everyone my love. If your headed for Monterey you may be travelling right through Gilroy. Are you taking 101 down or 1. Keep having fun and hopefully I'll get to see you next week